What is the Teaching style? - Micah Turnbo

Micah Turnbo, primary instructor of this course, a seer prophet, founder of Behold Wonder, and pastor of the Prophetic Ministry at Vineyard Northwest, describes the teaching style of combining biblical principles and storytelling.

Teaching Style

There are many different kinds of spiritual instruction.. Some students may come to Behold Wonder's courses expecting an expository or didactic method of teaching about the prophetic that defines prophecy or explains what a certain Scripture passage means. Expository teaching definitely has its place, however, that is not the method used in our courses.

Jesus is the Great Teacher and used a variety of methods. He sometimes taught on a particular topic or used a passage of scripture to explain an idea, but Jesus is most known for teaching through parables or stories! 

The method of teaching used in Behold Wonder's courses is a blend of Bible verses and stories of encounters with God that reinforce the designated topic. We love the Bible, God’s Holy Word, and have sprinkled references throughout the teaching for you to go back and study more in-depth later. One reason why Behold Wonder uses this teaching method that blends Bible verses and personal stories is because we are trying to help you have encounters of your own with God, not just teach you head knowledge about what the Bible says about the prophetic.

Stories Release Encounters 

One of the greatest gifts that Behold Wonder’s main teacher, Micah Turnbo, carries is the ability to release others into encounters. His own stories are an invitation to experience God in the same way or to open the door to new possibilities of your life with God. Micah’s mission is to encourage people to connect to the heart of God and his goal is to see friends of God encounter him in a real way so that his display of glory and power is recognized all across the earth.

Every story is a launching pad for you to experience your own encounters!

Blake Healy explains about the value of stories in The Veil: “The truth is that the majority of the impartation happens while I’m talking about the things I’ve seen.”

We encourage you to do a more thorough study of the Bible verses used throughout our courses and to research the Hebrew and Greek words for prophecy, prophet/prophetess, and seer using a Strong’s Concordance or online tool such as Bible Gateway.

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