Welcome to the course!

This course was created with 3 trimesters: Behold, Become, and Declare. Each trimester has its own emphasis and includes a self-assessment so that you can see your own progress.

This course will include the following for most weeks (depending on what happened in the class when this was recorded live):

Main Building Blocks:

  • Adore Jesus as you meditate on the chosen scripture for the week.
  • Teaching video with written notes to introduce the topic.
  • Encounter video of activations or ministry time.

3 Complementary Components:

  • Homework: daily declarations, home encounters, and activations to do at home.
  • Testimony video or written story of students sharing how God has changed them.
  • God Stories of quick 30-second testimonies from students of what God is doing currently in their lives. 

How do the parts of the course work?

Please watch the explanation videos to understand how these building blocks and complementary components work together to create a depth-of-course experience. We've chosen a few of our favorite building blocks and components to highlight what is taught.

How long does each week’s module take to complete?

It takes approximately 3 hours to complete each week’s worth of material. 


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