
Week 1 - Behold

Am I meant to prophesy?

  • All should desire to prophesy! 1 Corinthians 14:1
  • All are called to prophesy!  1 Corinthians 14:31
  • There are no gender, age, or status restrictions on prophecy! Acts 2:17

3 Phases: Behold, Become, Declare

  • Behold what? Behold your God, Exodus 33 and Psalm 27:4
  • Become what? Become like what you behold, 1 John 3:2
  • Declare what? Declare his goodness, Psalm 96:3

Healthy Perspectives about Prophecy

  • The prophetic ministry is not about YOU!
  • Your prophetic gift is not a measure of your love for Christ.
  • Seeing in the spiritual realm will not be a cure for doubt. 

Local Church 

  • It is critical to connect to a local church. We need to get around people to bring Jesus to them. 
  • We love and bless the local church.
  • If we were hurt by someone/s in the local church, we cannot wait for them to apologize to us. Our love and forgiveness cannot be dependent on getting an apology.

Motivations to Prophesy

  • As prophetic people, we are not called to bring up other people’s faults/sins. They already know! Such revelations can come from the devil.
  • Everybody wants to be prophetic but not everybody wants to be like Jesus! 
  • If you prophesy sin all the time, you’re going to be bored and angry.
  • We are called to remind people of who they are in the kingdom.
  • People in the local church need to be reminded of who they are.

Micah’s commission from Jesus: “I want you to bring me friends.” 


  • We will talk about Satan in this class. We need to know who he is and why he is really powerless!
  • Being in love with Jesus takes away the attention and devotion the devil wants for himself.
  • Intimacy will prevent about 85% of Satan’s attacks on Christians because there will be no room for him!

How to properly test messengers, dreams, and visions

  • Demons will never promote Jesus. 
  • Any spirit or messenger Jesus sends will always carry his light.

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