Behold Sample Course

Primary Instructor, Micah Turnbo

Micah is a Seer Prophet, founder of Behold Wonder and the Pastor of Prophetic Ministry at Vineyard Church Northwest in Cincinnati, Ohio.

He grew up in a very prophetic family where spending time with God was a normal part of homeschooling, and then continued his education at Cincinnati Christian University and International House of Prayer in Kansas City, Missouri (IHOPKC).

Micah’s mission is to encourage people to connect to the heart of God and his goal is to see friends of God encounter him in a real way so that his display of glory and power is recognized all across the earth.

What is in this course?

This sample course is intended to give you a taste of our longer 10-week course, Behold, and a 29-week Prophetic Ministry Course, both of which will be released in Summer 2024.

These courses will include explanation videos from leaders and samples of the following:

3 Main Building Blocks:

  • Adoration video that combines prophetic worship with prayer on the selected Scripture passage for the week
  • Teaching video and written notes to introduce the topic
  • Encounter video of hands-on activations or ministry time

3 Complementary Components:

  • Course Content of written homework: daily declarations, home encounters, and hands-on activations to do at home
  • Testimony video or written story of students sharing how God has changed them
  • God Stories are quick 30 second testimonies from students of what God is doing currently in their lives.

Behold Jesus!

Adore Jesus through worship. Learn from dynamic teaching. Encounter through ministry and hands-on activations. Practice at home.

Join us living out Psalm 27:4 NIV: "One thing I ask from the Lord, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple."

Enroll Today!